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According to the financial statements of Amlak Real Estate Investment & Trading AMLAK for the 1st Quarter of 2024, Net profit after tax of the period reached 26,873 USD Compared with Net profit after tax 20,686 USD for 2023, a net increase in profit of 29.91%.Total assets of the company reached 21,037,918 USD compared with total assets of 21,036,754 USD at the end of year 2023, a net increase of 0.01%.Total liabilities of the company reached 11,291,754 USD compared with total liabilities of 11,268,841 USD at the end of year 2023, a net increase of 0.20%. Net ownership equity of the company reached 9,746,164 USD compared with total owner equity of 9,767,913 USD at the end of year 2023, a net decrease of 0.22%.